Morning meeting is a time to greet everyone and start our day. Activities at morning meeting include children’s jobs, pledge of allegiance, calendar, weather, introduction of new letters and numbers of the week and introduce the days activities.
Our school has a peanut free policy. Children begin snack with hand washing and participate in serving and clean-up. Snacks include Goldfish, Cheez-its, Ritz, Saltines, pretzels or graham crackers. Water is provided with the snack.
Meeting time is an opportunity for the whole class to get together in one area. Activities at this meeting include show and tell, music and movement, class discussions and group games. Most importantly this is a time for children to share information with others, practice listening and waiting skills, and participate in a large group.
The Lunch Bunch Program is an extension of our day program and is offered twice a week on Monday and Friday (for the 3 Day Pre-Kindergarten Program) and on Tuesdays (for the 2 Day Preschool Program). This is an optional program of one hour from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for an additional fee of $10.00 for the hour. Sign up ahead of time and bring your own peanut free lunch.